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About Huey

Personal Brief Introduction



Huey Ma (Huiyu Ma)


Diploma of Visual Art
2/2013 ¨C 10/2013:  RMIT University TAFE, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia

Graduation Diploma in Arts Teaching

8/1998 - 8/2001:  Huanan Normal University, Guangzhou  City, Guangdong Province, China

Graduation Diploma in Arts Teaching

9/1989 - 7/1991:  Hangzhou Education College, Hangzhou  City, Zhejiang  Province, China

Employment History

May 2004 to Now   (2004-2007 in Canberra; 2007-Now in Melbourne)

Employer: Huey Studio, Australian

 Position: Professional Painter, Arts Teacher

September 1998 to May 2004

Employer:  Guangzhou Huamei International School, Guangdong  Province, China ( Private School )

Position: Arts Teacher

September 1997 to August 1998

Employer: Liang Qiuju Middle School, Xingtan Town, Shunde City, Guangdong  Province,  China

Position: Arts Teacher

August 1991 to August 1997

Employer:  Qi Xing Secondary School, Xingtan Town, Shunde City,   Guangdong Province, China

Position: Arts Teacher


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